relax, smile & be inspired

A New Life Begins

Written by Ann LeFlore

A New Life Begins

 A new life is just begun
The life before is almost done
So nervous as can be
A life has begun inside of me

 You came to me
Not knowing where I’d be
Your seed was planted inside of me
You started to grow from within
I felt your tiny heartbeat incased deep within
Your movements told me you were there
This new tiny seed inside of me starts to grow
I carry you where ever I go
This new life I now share with thee

 The day you wanted to arrive
The nerves and fears rose deep inside
This new life was ready to be
I pushed and pushed crying for thee
I struggled to set you free

 You entered the world with one big push
This one tiny seed inside of me
Your movement no longer inside of me
You cried with a new hope when you were freed
The day they lay you on top of me

 I look down upon thee
This little seed inside of me
I see the life support I gave to thee
Now it is time to cut thy cord
To release this tiny seed from inside of me

 I reach my hands to comfort thee
To cradle this tiny seed of mine
You move and cry from my one last push
You move you wiggle to be free
To no longer be the little seed inside of me

 I sit and look down upon thee
As you sleep beside of me
So tiny and so fragile
I have to protect my new born seed

 When you wake and cry from hunger
I gentle caress your tiny body
Placing you close to my heart and breast
To give you food to make you grow
Oh how I love this tiny new life
I grew from a seed


Deep from inside of me

Comments on: "A New Life Begins" (68)

  1. I think of that first separation, and how mother’s love will be tested over and over again with many minute separations succeeding each other in time.

    • Yes the first separation is the hardest and then as time goes on and they grow before you know it you are separated again and they are off to school or being married.

  2. so beautiful Anne! a pleasure to read

  3. smiles. this is a beautiful capture of birth and all the hope that is wrapped up in it…i really do miss parts of having a baby..smiles.

    • Thank you Brian. I thought this would be a nice change from my Halloween witch one from last week. I thought this was a time to change a little this week. Thank you so much

  4. Great capture indeed, such a wonderful presence in your piece and in kids themselves. Beautiful piece.

  5. Sometimes I miss that “inside of me” feeling but would change having them to hold. Thanks for helping me remember.

  6. a beautiful expression of those moments with our newborn. I feel your motherly love pour forth in this.

  7. Beautiful ….could only be written by a mother …thank you x

    • Thank you and yes you are correct a Father could not understand this but he is there to see us go through the process and the birthing but he could not understand this one at all. Glad that you liked this so much.

  8. Loved it, the joy it brings from the very beginning

  9. The joy of life seeing a tiny baby beside you, someone whose presence was felt months earlier.You captured it most accurately.

  10. Birth – in all aspects of nature, human or otherwise, that most beautiful gift of creation…written as only a mother could write it, in all its intricate wonder.

  11. The first paragraph made me think mother and a child, and my hunch bore out!! Such a beautiful poem of love.

    My baby just turned 10 years old. how has that happened???!! I remember the lovely times with her as a newborn.

    I hope I’m doing a good job with her. I’m trying to anyway!

    • Yes you are right it is Mother with child and the birth of a child in this poem. I know it is not easy to be a Mom and I am sure you are doing a wonderful job at this one. Sometimes we learn as we go along and try the best we can. Good luck

  12. As you sleep beside of me
    So tiny and so fragile

    It is truly shocking how vulnerable we are when we come into the world. It’s a good thing we find (hopefully) loving mothers and fathers to care for us.

  13. a beautiful birthing story!

    • Thank you so much I am so glad that you like this and stopped by here to read this poem. I thought it was a good time to put this on the blog and share it with others.

  14. A lovely piece for any parent. Even though as a father I won’t know that level of connection, I’ve enjoyed forming my own deep bonds with my little one.

    • yea you are right but you do form a bond and connection with your wife and after the baby comes it is your time to be there to help in the bonding and taking care of the new little one that enters into the world

  15. Life is a miracle of Nature and your poem is a great reminder of that.

  16. hobgoblin2011 said:

    Beautifully descriptive, love the journey you took us on, as some of us, in the most blessed of times, can only live vicariously to begin with, it’s really nice to be able to connect to emotional states, and you’ve done this wonderfully- thanks, wonderful write:)

    • Yes a new life beginning is a journey. With all the poetry and remembering 911 I thought this would be a good time to post this here to see that a new life can begin again.

  17. Life, is a miracle, isn’t it!
    This piece has a certain magic that only a mother can know and experience, the bond of a mother to her child is amazing, so amazing the mother would gladly die to protect her child, as with most creatures too.
    Beautiful writing.

  18. Laurie Kolp said:

    You have captured the incredible feelings of giving birth… letting go can be so hard, I know. This really touched my heart.

    • Thank you so much Laurie yes it can be hard to let go but once they grow up and you watch them grow it is another way of life starting and also another way of letting go

  19. Your child will enjoy reading this someday.

  20. ohh my!
    this is a wonderful poem with soulful lines …

    last stanza wow! i must say 🙂

    keep writing & smiling always 🙂

    • Thank you so much I will try and find the time needed to keep writing. I love to write and find it enjoyable and and break up a day full of work that has to be done

  21. A lyrical expression of life you have given birth to!

  22. The memories you brought back to me are priceless. Grand write here. Wonderful!

  23. this is so lovely, Sarah! thank you for sharing such an incredible event in your life. i will never forget the moment my daughter was laid on my chest. ♥

  24. As a father the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen was the birth of my children. as a husband, the most beautiful thing I’ve seen was my wife’s first gaze upon them. I cried for both. Poetry was made for this emotion… thank you

    • You are so right it is amazing for you to see the birth of your child and then look upon your wife’s face as she sees the baby for the first time. These are moments in life you will never forget ever

  25. Beautiful piece, thank you

  26. This is such a beautifully touching, caring poem of mother love! (I must admit to being confused about your name. Anne? or Sarah? I can’t figure out how to address you. LOL.)

    • This one is not so difficlult. You see I decided to add another blog to the existing one that is in Sarah Johnston Grandma Simpson’s Kitchen account and when doing so it would not allow me to use individual peoples name on there that are writing on here. There are posts from Sarah Johnston, Ann LeFlore Trinity and Caleb. So in order to do this right I just add on the top written by so that the person can understand who wrote each post here on this site.

      Sarah loves to write and has her cooking blog but also likes to write some articles and post them here from time to time. Ann writes on here and so does Caleb and Trinity. But in WP it will not allow me to add all the names to this account becasue of the other blog site so we have the first name as Sarah Johnston on this one.

      Hope you can understand this one. Sorry for the confussion on this. I am so happy that you have stopped by to read the post here and have liked it so much. Thank you so much.

  27. I’m glad you shared this one, Ann. : ) I know you touched a lot of people.

  28. Beautiful words! I have yet to know that feeling. Enjoy every second with your little one. 🙂

  29. This is so adorable. I’m not a mother yet, and when I tell people I want to have 5 children they look at me baffled. The creation of life inside us is divine.

    Thanks for a beautiful poem and for your lovely visit and comment on my blog, Poesia Torta.

    Take care and keep smiling. ❤

    • You are so welcome. I think it is wonderful that you want to have 5 children. it is a lot of work but I think you have the love to do this one. Thank you for your lovely comments

  30. You’ve captured an expectant — and brand new — mother’s thoughts exactly. Well done.

    • Thank you so much I liked writing this and thought it was very interesting after working on a post for 911. I thought it was a good idea to share a new life with everyone.

  31. this is refreshing.
    keep it up.

  32. Ann, are you going to post anything new soon? It’s been too long. 🙂

  33. Wonderful and very deep. Enjoyed reading your charming words.


    • Thank you so much I am so happy that you passed by and read this. I thought it was a good idea to post this one after the posting for 911 it shows that life can start again.

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